What a great event! The swim was well laid out and straightforward, and what's better than racing in what feels like a big swimming pool? The bike was flat and fast, but not boring like most flat courses. The varying roads and scenery kept it interesting and the time went by quickly. The run was deceivingly tough, but you never spent too long on the same road so that made it go by fast too. This is probably my most favourite course I've ever competed on. And I've been doing this for a long time!
Unfortunately, I think this will be the last of the year as I re-sprained my superior tib-fib joint near the end of the run. I want to rehab that properly and get my run fitness back before competing again.
1. The highlights of the day included:
- The course, as I mention above.
- Seeing the TTC athletes I swim coach swim and race fast, having the 5 athletes I personally coach get personal best times and achieve their goals! Congrats to Andrew, Renee, Sara, Rachel and Kevin!
- Feeling AMAZING on the bike. I worked hard to catch the two lead females and overtake them, then I let up my power a bit to save my legs for the run. Being so in control of my race is a first for me. And I set a new PB of 2:20 over that distance and clocked the fastest female bike split
- Getting to lead the race on the run up until the 14km mark was exciting!
2. Learning points:
- My run fitness is still behind. My knee injury, a sprained superior tib-fib joint and some hamstring/piriformis issues prevented me from running long. I only have about 4 runs longer than 20km all summer. So, I need to do a better job of injury prevention next season.
3. Pictures:

Swim: Right off the start a lead pack of swimmers took off on me, leaving me to swim the first 1km all alone. Just past 1km the speedy Mat Reid and Angela (who started 1min back) caught me and passed me and I stayed in their draft for a bit, before getting dropped. Then another swimmer passed me and I worked hard to stay on his feet until the swim exit. (Photo credit: ZoomPhoto)

Bike: The bike started off really well and continued to go well throughout the race. I could see the first and second place riders about 500m up the road and I decided to go above my power target goal, but below threshold, until I could catch them and then hope that I could let my power drop a bit once I took the lead to save my legs for the run. When I caught and passed the first place competitor at around 50km, I was at around 190W and then finished the ride at 183W. Exactly to plan! That rarely happens.(Photo credit: ZoomPhoto)

Run: I knew that my run fitness was lacking. I figured I could get in about 10km at a good pace and then start to fade. While I'm disappointed that this did happen, I'm not surprised. Here's hoping 2017 brings more consistent run training.(Photo credit: Brenda Santos)

Sara on the bike! (Photo credit: ZoomPhoto)

Adam was 3rd in the swim-bike (Photo credit: ZoomPhoto)
4. Interview with another participant:

BERNARDO: His first half-distance triathlon
Q. Name, Age, One word to describe yourself?
A. Bernardo Majano, 34, disciplined.
Q. How long have you been doing triathlons?
A. I started when I was 11 (was a mediocre swimmer at the time) and raced Juniors/U23 until I was 19 in both triathlon and cycling. I had the opportunity to race internationally for El Salvador (my hometown), which was fun but also made me realize I had to go school as I just wasn't good enough to try to make a living out of sports =o) I got back into the sport last December, I couldn't be any happier with my decision. The sport has grown so much over the last 15 years.
Q. What was one highlight of today's event?
A. Too many: making it to the finish line despite having my legs cramping pretty badly on the run, hanging out with friends and family afterward, post race food!
Q. What did you eat for breakfast?
A. My usual breakfast: oatmeal with flax, fruits, vegetable juice and coffee.
Q. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you in a triathlon?
A. My first triathlon, which I completed on a bmx bike.
Q. How many hours/week do you train?
A. 8 -9 hours per week is my target, although sometimes work gets in the way and have to cut back a bit.
Q. What is one thing you are proud of about yourself, either in triathlon or in the rest of life?
A. Learning how to overcome limited talent and other barriers through hard work, discipline, passion and perseverance.
Q. What/when is your next event?
A. Barrelman was my last triathlon of the season. I will be doing some Fall and Spring running races though: Scotiabank Half and the Boston Marathon.
5. Course Information
6. TrainingPeaks/Quantitative Race information for those interested
WARMUP: 10 minute bike, practicing getting my feet in and out of shoes while they were in the pedals, 5 minute run, 500m swim warmup with 3x40 strokes fast
SWIM: 2000m, 28:51 (~1:26/100m)
BIKE: Speed - 37.9kph, NP - 183W (3.45W/kg, 90% of FTP), Avg Power - 180W, Avg Cadence - 80rpm
RUN: 21.1km, 1:36:41 (4:36/km), Avg HR - 169bpm
7. Thank-you:
- My parents for their continued love and support throughout this crazy adventure of mine.
- My health care team of David Lamy (RMT) and Bill Wells (Chiro).
- Adam, my coach and partner, and just a great guy in general.
- All my readers for their support and for following me in my triathlon endeavours
- MultiSport Canada and all the volunteers!
- Fellow athletes at the race and training partners, especially those at WattsUp and TTC!
- My other coaches: Kim and Nigel from NRG
- My sponsors: High Rock Capital Management, WattsUp Cycling, MultiSport Canada, The Urban Athlete, Fitt1st Bike Fitting