After a few hours of relaxing it was time for my 4 hour brick workout. I got my newly tuned up (thanks Enduro Sport!) Cervelo TT bike out for its maiden journey of 2013. The ride started out and, to be honest, I felt a little rusty...but it wasn't long before I was getting comfy in my aero position. After about 30kms I was at the base of Mount Lemmon. The upcoming climb up the mountain was a welcoming sight. I took off my tuque, long sleeved jersey and gloves and was ready to climb. Today wasn't meant to be a super hard day so I had to keep my power below zone 3, but I was able to still climb in aero position at a pretty decent speed. The smell of the mountain, the scenery and that "pleasantly difficult" feeling of climbing made for a great ride. When I reached my turnaround point (only 15km up the mountain) I stopped, re-dressed and then descended in about a quarter of the time it took me to climb! Unfortunately, at the base of the hill there was a thumb tack waiting to hitch a ride on my bike wheel. I heard the hissing sound of my tube losing air and quickly set about to change it. In fact, I think I changed that tube in record time (for me)! In less than 5' I was back in the saddle. Perhaps the 3 bike surgeries I had performed in the days leading up to the trip were good preparation for that moment. A few kms later I was getting a bit tired and my butt was starting to get sore. I only had 15km to go, but the wind had picked up so I would have to ride directly into it the whole way home! Plus, there were still a few short and steep climbs ahead. Oh well-that's why I'm here, right? Need to get the mental training in as well as the physical training. So I tried to keep a smile on my face as I tackled the remainder of the ride.
After the ride I had a 30' run to do. I put on my shoes (made sure there was only one insole per shoe) and was off. I actually felt great! Downhill, uphill, into the legs didn't even notice. I love runs like today's!
Pictures from Mount Lemmon:
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