Pre-race Prep:
I arrived in St George on the Tuesday. I quickly settled in and did a short run that afternoon. I felt pretty good, considering I had been traveling for 10 hours. It was windy, but I was used to that from my training camp in early April. I would not let the wind discourage me this time. I was asleep by 7:30pm and up bright and early on Wednesday morning. The wind had actually picked up over night and the temperature had dropped. I didn't really realize how cold and windy it was until I got to Sand Hollow to do an open water swim. The water was apparently 60 degrees, but as soon as I got in the cold water immediately took my breath away and then I was toppled by a huge wave. "Come on!" I thought "Give me a break, St George!" The following 30 minutes of swimming, or should I say near drowning, in the choppy waters, left me quite demoralized. I knew that I was a strong swimmer and if I thought this was bad, all my competitors would too. That realization lifted my spirits. I knew I could tough it out. Next up, I biked the last 40km of the course and then completed an easy run. The bike involved a few race pace intervals and, to be honest, I felt AMAZING! The run was also really easy. The following day, Thursday, I did some quality swimming in the pool. I was not really that happy with my swim. My ankle was bothering me if I kicked normally and my times were slow. Later that day I headed to the lake again to swim. The wind had died down and I took Kirk's advice and just jumped in the water and started to swim hard! This worked. I wasn't cold at all, I didn't loose my breath and had a very enjoyable swim. Perhaps I just needed the earlier swim to iron out some of the cobwebs, because this time around I felt super in the water! The ankle was still a little sore though, so this remained a concern. As the day progressed I also realized that my right calf had tightened up a bit. I could feel some knots in the top part of my calf :( The rest of the day involved picking my coach up from the airport, a massage, athlete check-in and purchasing some HOT PINK compression socks and a yummy dinner of pasta. Friday started off with a brick workout with 1 - 2' of race pace intervals, with lots of rest in between. It was during this ride, that I realized that my front brakes were rubbing against my wheel! Luckily the guys at Red Rock Bikes in St George were able to fix the brakes... apparently they were full of sticky sports drink and weren't releasing properly. Later on my coach and I headed to the lake for another short swim. The swim went even better than the day before. All the training was done after this...all I had left to do was check my bike in T1, attend the pro pre race meeting and relax. Everything was going smoothly. And, as an added bonus, at the last minute my coach found a sweet road bike to rent so that he could follow me at various points during the race. Everything pre-race had gone perfectly.
I think I prefer the pool
This isn't so bad!!
Having some fun!
Staring contest? The statue won :(
Getting cozy with the statue
He liked coach better
Getting ready for a swim
Bringing the bike to T1
Time for dinner!
Race Day:
We arrived at transition with plenty of time. I set up my transition area, got in some swim tubing pulls and used the PowerBreath and headed out for a quick 10' swim warm-up. The water temperature was a little cooler than the day before, but not too cold at all. I felt pretty good warming up and my energy levels were high. I was ready to race and to race hard!
Body marking
PowerBreath warm-up
Time to go!
The swim started at 7:00am for the Pro Women. Within a fraction of a second of the horn sounding, the group of us 27 women went from calm to chaotic as we sprinted toward the first buoy. I was kicked and toppled over, before I was able to find a space of calm water. I saw what seemed like the entire group of girls speeding away in the distance. I was worried that I didn't make the pack of girls that I usually swim with (the 26:00 group). I was all alone with no feet to draft off and only a group in the distance that seemed to be getting further and further away. This discouraged me quite a bit, but I stuck to my plan and just swam as hard as I could. There was nothing I could do at this point except that. I didn't know how many people were behind me, but I could see 1 or 2 girls that were swimming beside me and so I focused on not letting them get ahead. We raced each other to the swim exit and ran to our bikes together.(I found out after that one of these girls competed in triathlon in the Olympics, so I was in good company). I was tenth out of the water in a time of 26:40 (1.9km swim + run up a ramp), and less than a minute behind Leanda Cave (cool!), with 6 girls pretty close behind. When I got to my bike in T1 everything went wrong...I couldn't get my wetsuit off, I was slow to put my flat repair kit in my back pocket (I should have had it mounted to my bike to save time) and to top everything off...someone had mounted their bike in the wrong direction so that their bike's handlebars were stuck to mine! As I tried to unstick the bikes, more girls passed me until I was all alone in transition. Finally I got the bikes apart and I tried to stay calm as I mounted my bike (very successfully, small proud moment!) and started my ride. I had lost about 40" during transition.

Exiting the swim (Photo courtesy of FinisherPix)

My arms look bigger than my legs in this shot! Love it! (Photo courtesy of FinisherPix)

Trying to stay calm after a rocky transition (Photo courtesy of FinisherPix)
I felt strong on the bike, not cold at all, for a change. I really focused on staying hydrated in the few days leading up to the race and on race morning I drank more water than usual. I have been told, and believe, being well hydrated helps with body temperature regulation. For me, that means I can stay warmer in cooler temperatures. Normally, I would have expected to be cold in 15 degree temperatures while biking in a wet trisuit, but I wasn't at all. I felt really strong on the bike...easily pushing power that would normally be hard for me. I was riding with a few other girls for awhile. I would pass them on the downhills (thank you Qrings!), but they were pretty strong on the uphills. Once we turned onto State Road 9 the pavement changed and I honestly though I got a flat. This feeling distracted me enough so that I let the other girls get out of sight. After a few minutes of worrying, I was still pedaling strong, and maintaining speed, so I put the idea of a potential flat tire out of my head. At about 50km into the ride I started feeling my power drop off a little bit. My legs were getting tired and I was no longer pedaling as consistently on the downhills. I focused on my goals, and that helped me stay strong, even though I knew I was fading a little bit. After 72km the course was mostly downhill so I decided I would treat the next 20km as 4x5km and try to maintain my power one 5km section at a time. Not only did this help, but it made the 20km fly by. Before I knew it I was cresting the hill of Snow Canyon Drive and speeding toward T2. I finished the ride in 2:37:27 in 21st (22nd fastest bike of the day). At the end of the ride it looked like my power was up about 20W from my best race last season...but we are wondering whether this is a calibration issue with my new garmin head unit, because this power number was only a few watts lower than my most recent 15K TTs...hmmm. It also looked like my front brake had been rubbing ever so slightly on the front wheel (rookie mistakes!).

FOCUS is key(Photo courtesy of FinisherPix)

Aerodynamics is also key (Photo courtesy of FinisherPix)

I should smile for these shots (Photo courtesy of FinisherPix)
I had a pretty quick T2, but fumbled with my race belt a little bit (things to practice!). Then I was off on the run course, heading uphill, and feeling OK. My coach was beside me on his bike. I had done the course before so I knew what was coming (a lot of pain), but I could see a few girls up ahead and that kept me motivated. Just before the half-way point I passed two girls. This kept me strong through the next long uphill section...I was hurting, but I could hear coach cheering for me, reminding me to keep good form, to take in my nutrition and telling me their were more girls up just up ahead. The rest of the race was a bit of a blur as I made my way toward the finish. Up a hill, down a hill, repeat. Finally I was on the last little stretch of downhill, racing towards the finish. I caught another female who looked like she was struggling and said a quick "good job, almost there" as I passed. Then I was able to pass another girl. After that I was starting to feel it: the heavy legs, a bit of stomach discomfort, the signs that my body wanted me to slow down. The finish line was only 2kms away. I saw Will from High Knees Cycling at the last aid station and he gave me a high five. This gave me a bit of an extra push that got me towards the finish line. I ran a 1:32.03 (17th fastest run of the day) and finished 17th overall in 4:40:03

Pain!(Photo courtesy of FinisherPix)

Almost there! (Photo courtesy of FinisherPix)

You can't see it, but I'm smiling (Photo courtesy of FinisherPix)
I looked around once I crossed the line and recognized the girls who had already finished: past Olympians, Ironman and 70.3 champions. It was the US Pro Championships so of course the race was stacked with champions, and it felt good to be among them. I was even happier to hear that Canadian Brent McMahon had won the men's race and other Canadians, Heather Wurtele and Trevor Wurtele, were among the top 10.
Post-Race Analysis:
I was very pleased with my race. Yes, I wish that a good race had translated to a higher overall ranking, but when I think like this I have to remember that success doesn't come overnight or even after one month or one year. There are a few people who appear to come out of nowhere and do incredibly well and win their first few races. For most of us, though, success takes time. It takes hard work and sometimes it doesn't even feel like you are making progress, because it happens so slowly. This race was a small step forward: I gained about 10 seconds in the swim, gained 2:00 - 3:00 in the bike and about 1:00 - 2:00 in the run.
Thank yous:
I would like to extend a special thank you to Turner-Tomenson Wealth Management and Raymond James Financial for their sponsorship and helping to off-set the cost of my training camps this year. Additionally, the facilities and athletes at WattsUp Cycling played a HUGE role in helping my training this winter. I may have spent 4 weeks training outdoors, but the remaining 5 months of my training was done on the CompuTrainers and rollers at WattsUp. How did I stay motivated during all that indoor riding? Well, I have the athletes and people at WattsUp to thank for that! The constant encouragement from all the athletes there was tremendous. Everyone there played a role in keeping me motivated. It feels so good to be part of the WattsUp community. Additionally, I would like to thank my RMTS, Diego Ricetto and Brad Wilson, and my Chiropractor, Bill Wells, at Urban Athlete, for keeping me healthy through all my training and fixing my rolled ankle in time for race day! Thanks to Kirk and Charity Nelson for getting me set up on better gearing and Qrings! Also, thanks to EnduroSport for keeping my bikes well tuned and like new for all the riding, eLoad Sports Nutrition for keeping me well fueled, FITT1st and Outwet High Technology clothing for keeping me comfortable, and KASK for the best helmet, ever! Thank you to my friends & family for the tweets, the emails, the phone calls, the understanding of my are the best! I would like to say a HUGE thank you to my coach. He probably spends more time focused on my training than I do training. Every detail about every workout is thoroughly thought out and has a specific goal (much like the workouts him and Pete plan for WattsUp). Every achievement I make is partly me, but also largely because of him. He even took the time to accompany on my trip to St George and I know that I wouldn't have done as well without him.
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